Herbert A. Templeton Foundation Herbert A. Templeton Foundation

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The Herbert A. Templeton Foundation is an Oregon charitable corporation founded in 1955 by Herbert A. Templeton (1883 - 1969, pictured).

Please refer to the Policies & Procedure page for information on the grant application process and deadlines.

The principal activity of The Herbert A. Templeton Foundation is the making of grants to tax-exempt organizations in the areas of education, social services, and the cultural arts and humanities. The Foundation endeavors to remain responsive to changing conditions, and perceptive to emerging and critical needs. Overall, the trustees feel a strong commitment to strengthening the quality of life for the total community with special emphasis on giving support to youth.

Over the years, grants have regularly been made to various educational, social service and cultural organizations. The Foundation’s priority is to fund direct services to youth 18 or younger and to organizations operating within the State of Oregon or for purposes significantly affecting Oregon residents.

The applying organization must be a 501(c)(3) in good standing with Federal and State authorities and demonstrate financial sustainability by budgeting for and maintaining an annual unrestricted surplus.

The Foundation prioritizes youth focused projects and programs for applicants that provide a grant report with clearly identified outcomes and quantitative data to measure the impact to the identified outcomes relative to the Foundation’s grant funding.

The Foundation does not make grants to individuals, other foundations or endowments, any type of capital purchase or expenditure, including building and renovation projects, furnishings, equipment and vehicles, or to support events, conferences, meetings, direct medical services, research, scholarships or financial aid, subsidies or discounts, and administrative personnel.

It is also the policy of the Foundation not to make grants to organizations which discriminate on the basis of gender, religion, age, national origin, marital status, or sexual orientation.